Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hooded Sweatshirts....

Apparently wearing one of these can get you shot nowadays.. and according to Geraldo Rivera.. if you are black or latino your parents should tell not to leave the house with one of these on.. I don't even understand how someone could seriously say some shit like this with a straight face.. thats why someone punched him in his dome when he had a talk show.. but the sad thing is there are alot of people who think like this.. most of them old and white.. sorry white people but its true.. we need to get with the times now.. my old boss used to even say ignorant shit like this about hooded sweatshirts..maybe if Trayvon Martin had on this hoodie pictured above.. he would of got a pass to be seen in a gated community...which had a guy like George Zimmerman who they give a title like head of crime watch.. and he takes his title a little to seriously and thinks he is Clint Eastwood... the end..

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